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2014年7月31日 (木)


English translation is given below.
















(photo 1)

ANA1851 - Hiroshima to Okinawa.

Delta of Hiroshima from the sky.

69 years ago, world’s first A-bomb used and exploded over this delta.


Today, I am visiting Okinawa Shogaku High School where our students are visiting to discuss on “Peace” during our school trip to Okinawa in October.  This is a part of SGH project.


As mentioned on 13 June, Hiroshima and Okinawa have very complicated issues.  To build “Peace”, it is vital for us to have a broad view.


It will be a very valuable opportunity for Jogakuin students to know what students in Okinawa think about “Peace”, how they believe they can create a “Peaceful” society, and to debate with them.


At a lecture room where we will be having a meeting when our students visit here, two students are preparing a presentation for Peace Forum in 7 August at Jogakuin.   


(photo 2)


The topic is “What is Right of Collective Self-defense”.  They chat with Mr Sakuda who's been taking me around the school.


I hope our association with Okinawa Shogaku continues and many students become peace makers of next generation. 


View of the city center of Naha from Okinawa Shogaku High School, which is located on a hill.


(photo 3)


Gray sky.  Typhoon is getting closer.

Is my flight alright…

2014年7月30日 (水)

過去記事のご紹介 ~国連本部(ニューヨーク)への派遣

English translation is given below.

本校では6年前より「核廃絶! ヒロシマ中高生による署名活動」に取り組んでおります。この活動が平和首長会議と広島市より高く評価され、外務省の「ユース非核特使」を委嘱されて、ニューヨークの国連本部に派遣されました。NPT(核不拡散条約)再検討会議第3準備委員会の会議を傍聴し、自分たちの活動についての報告をするのが目的です。




Old Articles – Sending Jogakuin Students to UN HQ (NY)


Past 6 years, Jogakuin has been working on “Nuclear Abolition Now! Signature Drive by Junior and Senior High School Students”.  City of Hiroshima and Mayors for Peace highly recognized our work and we have been appointed as “Youth Communicators for a World without Nuclear Weapons”, and selected students visited UN Headquarter in NY.  They were to sit in a committee meeting of NPT conference of third session and report our activities.


They have opportunities to meet and communicate with primary and high school students.  It was only 4 days but this trip was very well acknowledged.  After returning to Japan, they are keeping themselves busy by having lots of appointments such as reporting the visit at city hall and a meeting with UN leading figures. They are fitting in these special opportunities between studies for university


There are 8 articled upped from NY between 28 April and 3 May. Click here for these articles.