« 秋晴れの下、今日も核廃絶署名活動! | メイン | 出口汪先生 論理力育成講座 第2回 »

2014年11月16日 (日)



English translation is given below. 



Bangladesh大使    2名

Philippina大使    2名










 写真はunmoderated caucusと呼ばれる非公式討議の様子です。それぞれ事前に準備してきた資料やまとめてきた主張などをもとに、他国の大使と議論を行い、お互いの主張のずれなどを確認したり、相手国の主張の根拠などを探っていきます。これと公式発言を交互に何度か繰り返し、各国の主張を盛り込んだワーキングペーパー(WP)とよばれる文書を作成・提出して初日は終了です。と思いきや、その後も各国の大使たちは議場を出てからも、グループ毎に集まり夕食を一緒にとるなどしながら交渉を続けます。もちろんホテルに帰ってからも翌日の討議に備えて、遅くまで準備に励みます。








 ちなみに非公式討議には、各国大使が席をたって自由に討議を行うunmoderated caucusの他に、moderated caucusがあります。これは、共通の課題やテーマを設定しそれについて全体で討議を行うものです。各グループの考えなどが全体に対して示されるため、互いの見解の違いなどが確認しやすいのですが、動議の採択の優先順位がunmoderated caucusよりも低いため、unmoderated caucusの間に各国大使に呼びかける(unmoderaeted caucusを要求する動議を「fail(否決)」に追い込むようにする)などの手続きを経なければなかなか行われません。もしmoderated caucusが必要だと感じたのであれば、その認識を共有するための努力が各国大使には求められます。決議案の内容を吟味・修正しつつ、そうした議論の方向性についても考えなければなりません。







We attended the Model UN Meeting.


From 15th to 16th November, our 4 students joined the 8th Model UN conference at UN University in Tokyo.  The country designated for us were Bangladesh and Philippine.



The topic for this conference was “Food Problem”. The representatives from different counties gathered and discussed how we secure enough food in 2050 when our world population would reach 9 billions.


In the morning on Day1, following the opening session, there was a keynote lecture.  Afterwards we had lunchtime and most students who were representing their school as ambassadors were already started networking with each other prior to the conference.


In the afternoon of Day2, the Model UN Conference started.  Under the chairman’s proceedings in English, official announcements were also made in English one after another by ambassadors of each country. Ambassadors of Bangladesh represented by Jogakuin students made their points confidently.


After official announcements from several countries, each ambassador submitted motions and moved on to unofficial discussion. Then serious negotiations began.


The photo was a scene from an unofficial discussion called unmoderated caucus.  They were debating with other ambassadors on their case using materials prepared prior to this conference to find gaps between their arguments and explore other countries’ claims for their grounds.  They worked on unmoderated caucus and official announcements again and again until they finished drawing and submitting a Working Paper (WP) which contains claims of each country. That was not quite the end of Day1. Ambassadors gathered in small groups outside the conference room to continue their negotiations over dinner.  Even after returning to their hotel, they worked further until early hours to prepare their debate for the following day.




Our Day 2 conference started at a different room.


First, we checked our WP submitted the day before and main countries who had drawn the WP explained it.  Then, they contined unmoderated caucus like the day before.  However, as their time limit for Draft Resolution (DR) was getting closer, their negotiations were much intense.  To submit DR, there must be more than 8 countries agreements, therefore, some groups who have fewer than 8 countries lobbied other ambassadors to get their agreements by compromising or accepting claims of partner countries, which required highly flexible mind set. 


To resolve the food problem by 2050, based on WP they agreed, ambassadors negotiated their most interested topic such as problem of GM food and GM grains fed meat and bio-fuel, to claim their own case and explore global resolution.  To make their claim, it is imperative to have partner countries.  To get other countries agreement, it is sometimes necessary to find points to compromise.


There are two types of informal discussion.  One is unmoderated caucus, which ambassadors move around the room freely negotiating with other ambassadors, and the other is moderated caucus, which they set common agenda and topic and debate together as a whole group.  Although, moderated caucus clarifies ideas of each group and is easier to check each country’s differences, moderated caucus has lower priorities than unmoderated caucus when adopting motion. Therefore, it is necessary to lobby other ambassadors to fail motions for unmodarated caucus if you wish to have moderated caucus. You have to work hard on the other ambassadors to agree for moderated caucus.  Ambassadors are required to think about the direction of their discussion as well as reviewing and altering the contents of resolution.


Each country which brought forward the official DR make a commentary.  At Session 2 in the morning of Day 2 there were 4 DR selected in the end. It was lunchtime afterwards but we had no time to rest but to prepare Session 3 in the afternoon, when we make final resolution.  They continued their discussion over their lunch.


After the lunch, our students who were representing Philippine made an official speech.  They delivered their points that they had been working on GM rice called Golden Rice and they would continue growing and spreading the products.  Then it was Q & A session about the DR brought in by each ambassador and they continued to draft amendments.


They moved on to voting after all the official speeches finished.  Finally, there were 4 altered DR brought forward.  We will not refer to the result here but every DR was excellent and it was incredible they prepared these DR within such a short period.   After the voting, we had closing ceremony.  They announced one Highest Award, two Awards and one Award for Policies prepared prior to the Model UN from each group - we had two groups this year. Unfortunately, we were not selected for any awards, we were proud of our students who worked very hard for the Model UN and performed their role excellently.





広島女学院 HP