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2014年10月 7日 (火)

グローバルセミナー  ~修道中高との共催

English translation is given below.








On Saturday 27 September, we hosted “Global Seminar” with Shudo Junior & High School.  Globalization is unstoppable movement and it will be impossible to avoid facing it when students graduate from high school and university.  Three speakers talked on subjects such as what sort of skills students should gain in such world, and meaning of searching their career and study options in abroad.


Mr Masahiro Fukuhara has been our advisor on global education and supporting us in many aspects. This is his fifth lecture for parents and students at Jogakuin, and the audience has been growing more and more each time.  This lecture, he talked about expected skills in children and how to develop these skills as well as his overview of the future of Japan.  It was very intense like the popular TV program “Hakunetsu Kyoshitsu (Justice with Michael Sandel)”.


Ms Anbiru from Taiwan Study Abroad Support Centre talked about the benefit of studying at a university in Taiwan including learning both Chinese and English and its reasonable tuition fees albeit its high education level.  We tended to think English and English speaking countries when mentioning “globalization”, but Taiwan was a new option to the audiences and had lots of queries in the questionnaire after the seminar.


Benesse Corporation, who has been assisting Shudo and Jogakuin with mock exams and Study Support, talked about the meaning of going university abroad.  They explained with plenty of information materials, it was possible to apply universities in Japan and abroad at the same time and it would be based on what students studied at school when selecting universities abroad.


We were worried that there would be only few audiences as it was Saturday afternoon, but it was a needless concern.  There were about 230 people attended including many students and it was notable that we had many interests from junior high school students.  Having so many audiences confirmed that people are searching for hints to live through “global world”, and we felt it was necessary to serialize this kind of seminar.



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