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2014年8月27日 (水)

高1PS(Peace Studies):カンボジア現地研修に向けて

English translation is given below.
























We went to Cambodia to organize a field trip.  


In March 2015, selected 11th Grade students have a field trip in Cambodia. We visited there from 18 August to 22 August to look over and organize this field trip.


We arrived at Siem Reap (a local city near Angkor Wat, Cambodia).  The hotel room is larger and more comfortable than Japan...




The climate there was just a little hotter than Hiroshima, though it will be much hotter in March.


On Day1, we looked around Siem Reap.  We saw lively local people from the early morning.




We met a principal of a local primary school and high school, observed lessons at Yamamoto Japanese Education Centre, visited Land Mine Museum and an orphanage, and arranged our field trip there in March.


Afterwards, we went to Angkor Wat!




Angkor Wat is described as “the world’s most beautiful World Heritage” and the pride of Khmer.  It is impossible to leave out Angkor Wat to understand Cambodian culture and to communicate with local people.  It was really impressive.  Therefore, I would really like students to visit there.


We moved to Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia by air in the morning of Day2.


In the afternoon, we visited the office of Ms Loch Leaksmy at Royal University of Phnom Penh and asked to have a meeting with our students in March.




At the university, we had a surprise meeting with Mr Sokhen Ouk who had a lecture for 11th Grade students in high school as a part of Cambodia study at Jogakuin in Term1.


Next we visited an NGO, which is recording history of Cambodian civil war, and requested their assistance in March and viewed the Killing Fields.


We continued to stay in Phnom Penh on Day3.


We visited Tuol Sleng Museum, International School, and Hiroshima House and arranged our visit there in March.




Then, on the third night, we left to return to Japan.

Before leaving, we took photos with Japanese interpreters and their colleagues.




The interpreters were graduates of Yamamoto Japanese Education centre.  There were really brilliant and thanked to them, our journey was very comfortable and extremely rewarding.


We stayed only 3 days in Cambodia but it turned out to be such a deep and thoughtful journey.


When our students visit there, they will feel, learn and think many things.  Some may find a life changing question there.

We are looking forward to the real thing in March!