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2014年6月20日 (金)

高1PS(Peace Studies):カンボジア学習第5回

English translation is given below.
















10th Grade PS (Peace Study): Cambodia Study - Part5

Summary of Cambodia Study:

Today, we had the last lesson on Cambodia Study for 10th Grade PS and reviewed what we learned so far.

First, we shared what we studied in expert groups on the 3rd lesson in each home group.



Afterwards, they summarized their findings on “how to build a peaceful society” throughout the lessons. 

A teacher from Hiroshima University and a student from Costa Rica visited to observe their lesson today. 

[From students’ work]

It is natural for me to think about peace every year as I grew up in Hiroshima.  I heard phrases like “Peaceful World”, and “End War” every year.  However, I wonder whether true peace is achieved only when we are happy.  We’ve been studying about Cambodia and these facts were very new to me.  Cambodian people were killed because they were literate, and they were killed because they tried to leave the country.  Under Pol Pot government, there was no food even though you worked very hard all day.  During the civil war, children at primary school age were carrying guns, had no food and placed land mines around themselves to have little sleep.  Every single story was shocking.  I was terrified.  While I was laughing, someone in the world might have been crying, moreover, there may be children died from war and starvation.  I realized just thinking about “peace” around us was not enough at all, but I found it was essential to know the real state of current world by having a wider view towards the world.

We had only 5 lessons for Cambodia Study, but we learned, became aware of and thought a lot from these lessons.

These lessons may help students to see the world and find themselves.

We plan to have a field trip to Cambodia in March 2015 for those who are interested.  Students who will attend the field trip continue to study the subject further to expand the knowledge for the field trip and future activities.

This is the end of Cambodia study but 10th Grade Peace Studies continue with a new subject!