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2014年6月13日 (金)

高1PS(Peace Studies):カンボジア学習第4回

English translarion is given below.


















10th Grade Peace Studies: Cambodia Study Part4

Lecture “To Achieve Peace”

We invited Mr Saroeun Ry and Ms Aya Kagiyama and had lecture at Gaines Hall.  Mr Ry is an owner of “Mealea Angkor”, a local Cambodian restaurant and had an experience on fighting as a child soldier during the civil war, and Ms Kagiyama used to work in Cambodia as Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers.

Mr Ry talked about his experience which only actually experienced can tell such as how he was forced to be a child soldier when he was around 10 years old, and the memories from the civil war never faded.


Next, Ms Kagiyama explained how people in Cambodia lives and her experience teaching crafts, music, and physical exercise for emotional development as a staff of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers.


At the end, she told us our little action has the power to change the world.

[Feedback from students]

“I am glad to know about Cambodia.  I never new Cambodia was a country of smile.  I found Cambodia a lovely country seeing people all smiling in photos.”

“I’ve learnt Cambodian as young as 30s had experienced the civil war.  Living in Japan, I thought the war was the past, but I realized it was not.”

“Normal in Japan doesn’t mean normal in the other countries.  I found it was important to know other cultures to be aware of that.”

“Understanding other countries and cultures will help to know ourselves.  Even though we may not be able to achieve a worldwide peace, it may lead us to a peace around us.  To understand other culture and value what they think important to them will lead to a peace in the world.”

“I realized being alive is not just given.  I think even reviewing how we live everyday will lead to build a peaceful society as well.”

The lecture today will be reported on tomorrow’s issue of Chugoku Shinbun.

Next, we will review our Cambodia Study through the topic “Expand your view from Cambodia Study”!