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2014年11月 7日 (金)

マザーテレサとのふれあいを通じて ~アメリカ人教授のお話

English translation is given below.

シカゴにあるロヨラ大学の教授を務めておられるBreezer Rickeyさんが女学院に来て下さいました。Breezerさんは12歳の時にマザーテレサに手紙を書いたのですが、なんと本人から返事が来て、依頼、文通を続けたそうです。そして、25歳のときに意を決して、単身カルカッタに渡り、1年間、マザーテレサのもとでボランティア活動に従事したとのことです。死と隣り合わせにあっても路上生活を余儀なくされていた人々に寄り添い、ホームに引き取り、最期を看取るという日々。Breezerさんを突き動かしたのはマザーテレサの愛と情熱だったといいます。彼女の活動はアメリカの三大ネットワークであるABCテレビでも取り上げられました。





Working with Mother Teresa: A Tale from an American Professor


Ms Breezer Rickey, a professor of Loyola University Chicago, came to Jogakuin Junior & Senior High School.  Breezer wrote a letter to Mother Teresa when she was 12 and to her surprise, she received a reply.  Since then, they continue to exchange letters.  When she was 25, she decided to go to Calcutta alone for a year to work with Mother Teresa as a volunteer.  She went out to a street and met people who were dying but had nowhere to go, take them to the Nursing Home and stayed by their bedside until they die.  Day after day, she repeated this.  Breezer explained it was Mother Teresa’s love and passion that drove her to do this tough work.  The ABC, one of the biggest 3 broadcasters reported her great work.


Though it was in English, over 60 students from 10th grade to 12th attended the lecture and listened to Breezer’s story very intently. Students asked many questions at Q&A session after the lecture.  Their questions varied from the life in India like what was like Calcutta to their Peace Studies work like what they can do to support.  Breezer saw a box for donations to Myanmar and said “You are doing now what you can!”  She encouraged Jogakuin students who take actions what they can.


While traveling Hiroshima, she happened to visit Jogakuin Junior & Senior High School.  We are grateful to Breezer for sparing her time for us.



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