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2014年10月 3日 (金)

高1PS(Peace Studies):人権学習第1回









10th Grade Peace Studies: Human Rights Study Part1


To achieve peace, students study a sense of Human Rights through discrimination against outcast.

Become aware of a discrimination against outcast – Part1


In Peace Studies during the second term, 10th Grade students study a sense of Human Rights, which is important to achieve peace, through cases of discrimination against outcast.  Today, first we watched a documentary film on discrimination against outcasts, and then we learnt the history of it.  Next, we each summarized their thoughts on a question, “If we never knew/never been taught about the discrimination against outcasts, would it disappear?”


They worked on the subject very earnestly and found many opinions within themselves.  Opinions will be summed up in each class and shared among the class to find out what other classmates thought next PS lesson.