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2014年6月 6日 (金)

高1PS(Peace Studies):カンボジア学習第3回

English translation is given below.




















10th Grade Peace Studies: Cambodia Study Part3


Learn about the history of the Battle of Cambodia, Culture and Education, and the Relationship between Cambodia and Japan.


Today, at 10th Grade PS, students made a group of 3 in their class (= home group), and divided the whole 11th Grade into 3 groups using 6 classrooms (= expert group) to have Cambodia Study.

Each group studies the topic from below;

Group 1: The history of the Cambodian civil war

Group 2: Culture and Education of Cambodia

Group 3: The Relationships between Cambodia and Japan

First they had lecture from their homeroom teachers and sub-teachers.  Afterwards, they shared their work among students.

They have to tell what they learned to the other members of their group later.  They seemed to be working responsibly.

[Future Cambodia Study Plan]

We will invite a Cambodian person who actually experienced the civil war and a Japanese person who worked in Cambodia as a staff of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers and have their lectures.  Following today’s lesson, their impressions and views from the lecture will be different depending on what they learned today.  After the lecture, they will share their impressions from their point of view in their home group.  10th Grade PS will take father steps by having each student a role and taking responsibility for their role.