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2011年4月16日 (土)


Today English teachers had a special guest speaker at school.   木村達哉, the author of ユメタン a study aid for studying English, instructed teachers in teaching methods using his book. This year first year high school students (高1英語) are using this book. This was a great opportunity for all the English teachers.  1 1104161

2011年4月15日 (金)


The first year junior high students (中1) are trying to decide what club to join. Here are some pictures of the older students (先輩)teaching the younger students(後輩) about the mandolin. 1104153 1104152

2011年4月14日 (木)

Class Pictures

Last week class pictures (クラス写真)were cancelled(中止) because of the rain. They are being taken today and tomorrow. 1104141 1104142 1104143 

2011年4月13日 (水)


Today at Jogakuin parents have come to meet the teachers for the first meeting of the new school year(学級懇談会). The first year junior high(中学校1年生) parents are here for the first time. We hope they enjoy their stay1104134 . 1104132 1104133

2011年4月12日 (火)

Art in the Hallway

In the hallway between the junior and senior high school there is a very large piece of artwork. This replica(レプリカ) is on display at Jogakuin for a few months. 1104121

2011年4月11日 (月)


This cherry trees at the school are still in bloom, this picture was taken from the second floor of the JHS.
This morning's service was a hall assembly(ホールアセンブリ). The student council made announcements concerning this year. . 1104111

2011年4月 9日 (土)

Classes Start

Today was the first day of classes (授業). New classes, new teachers, new books. Students were very happy.1104091 1104093 1104094

2011年4月 8日 (金)

A Fresh Start

Today was the Opening Ceremony and Easter Service (イースター・始業礼拝). Students rushed to school to find out their new homeroom teacher (担任). Because of the rain, class photos (クラス写真) were cancelled (中止), but students still had their individual photos taken (個人写真). 1104081 1104082 1104083 1104085

2011年4月 7日 (木)

A New Start

Today was the entrance ceremony (入学礼拝). The cherry blossoms (桜) were in full-bloom (満開) and it was a very special day for everyone. We hope everyone has a very good year at Jogakuin!1104071 1104072 1104074 1104075 1104076 1104073 1104077